Έργα και e-μέρες 2015-16


όλα τα έργα της περσινής χρονιάς

It’s been a busy and fruitful year for our Forensics Team at I.M.Panagiotopoulos School. We tried our might, for the…

Primary 6 students read about strange festivals in Europe. Then, they went on to either write about their favourite festival or create an advertisement for…

Primary 6 students studied citizenship this year as part of their curriculum. But, where did the concept of “citizenship” first come from? Everyone agrees that…

Τη σχολική χρονιά 2016-2017 πραγματοποιήθηκε μια ενδιαφέρουσα δράση για τους μαθητές της Α’ Γυμνασίου. Το έναυσμα δόθηκε από μια…

Primary 4 students discuss their eating habits and write about their daily diet. Moreover, as part of the British Council’s collaboration with Microsoft on Critical…

What does your dream house look like? Well, here's mine... Primary 4 students draw and write about their ideal house.  PRIMARY 4.1   View the embedded image gallery online at:
https://impschool.gr/erga-emeres16-17/#sigFreeId1147bfa06d PRIMARY 4.2…

Students learnt to identify the features of bullying and recognized that it is an international issue. Many discussions were made on how the victim feels…

The housing industry is the development, construction, and sale of homes. It also refers to the housing market which…

Οι μαθητές του Δημοτικού στο πλαίσιο της απογευματινής δραστηριότητας της Ρομποτικής δημιούργησαν κατασκευές με Lego και τις προγραμμάτισαν μέσω του λογισμικού Lego WeDo. Δείτε παρακάτω…

Οι μαθητές της Στ΄ Δημοτικού προσέγγισαν διαθεματικά σημαντικές μάχες της ελληνικής επανάστασης. Συγκεκριμένα, στο πλαίσιο των μαθημάτων της Ιστορίας…